Notice how the front foot has not yet hit the ground.
The hips are just about to turn, forcing the upper half to release.
Even though he has a long stride, the weight is still on the back leg - allowing those hips to fire.
Front side is on target and loaded.

Just before the front foot hits the ground again, look where his power is - his back leg.
The throwing arm elbow is behind his back - prepared to reach full power position.
Front shoulder is closed and on target.
Weight is back, power is still in hips.

This pic has him just before front foot hits, with weight still back.
The throwing arm is coming up and the shoulder blades are "loaded" as the hips are preparing to turn.

The power is in the hips - notice they are still closed.
Elbows are perfectly up - still bent.
Front shoulder and hip are both are on target with weight on back leg.
These are just a few examples of what the power position can look like. Ideally, Nolan Ryan's pic shows the true PP. The elbows up and parallel to the shoulder. The weight is still on the back leg and both the front shoulder and hip have not rotated off target.
Now, get to work developing your own Power Position.
Until Next Time!!
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