We'll keep it short and sweet today. Sometimes when I think about the information I've accumulated over the years about pitching, I start to delve into some pretty technical and complicated aspects of the art of pitching. I forget sometimes, that not everyone has had the experience and benefit of dedicated pitching coaches and personal trainers to give you some of the seemingly obvious advice that I take for granted.
So in light of that revelation, I've decided to provide, on a semi-routine basis, health tips that can help the Intelligent Pitcher compete at his highest ability level at all times. For our first installment of Pitching Health Tips, I'd like to encourage any and all pitchers to begin taking a multi-vitamin every day. In a perfect world, all athletes would receive all the vitamins and nutrients in their daily routine diets. However, depending on your living situation and budget, eating perfectly isn't always an option. For example, when I would get finished with a game in South Bend, Indiana at 11pm, the only thing open was usually Stake N Shake. Not exactly healthy. So, to make up for the holes in an daily diet, a multi-vitamin is extremely important. It is important to understand, however, that multi-vitamins cannot make up for complete deficiencies in a diet. If you get not Vitamin C for example, a pill will not make up for that completely .
So what kind of vitamin should you take? In my experience, the best to take is a liquid multi-vitamin such as Vit-acell by Max Muscle Nutrition. Liquid vitamins generally generate more completely than their pill counterparts and this particular mix has a great vitamin and mineral profile that is both balanced and effective. If you must go to a pill form, I would recommend a chewable variety for the same reason. The compacting techniques of the basic swallowed pill makes it extremely difficult for your stomach to digest. In fact, many times the pill isn't digest at all and its passes straight through. I currently utilize Centrum Chewable multi-vitamin and have had positive results. On the contrary, the non-chewable counterparts are less effective.
There are many varieties out there and the most important thing is to check the nutritin label to ensure there is the correct mixture of both minerals and vitamins.
Feel free to comment with any questions or comments you may have.
Until Next Time!!!
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