As one of the most dominating left handed pitchers in the game today, CC Sabathia over powers hitters with a mid-90s fastball, devastating slider and even better change-up. His skills were so enticing that he earned himself one of the biggest free agent contracts in the history of the game from the New York Yankees to the tune of $1.61 million over 7 years. His delivery is unique with aspects that make him both deceptive and explosive and it is why he is this weeks Big Leaguer Breakdown.
Check out this video of CC warming up for a spring training game on you tube.
You'll notice immediately CC's sheer size and imposing presence on the mound. One way for the "Intelligent Pitcher" to gain an advantage on the mound is to look as wide and tall as possible on the mound. (Nobody's afraid of a short skinny pitcher - accept maybe Lincecum). To begin, pause the video at the 5 second mark where his leg lift gets to its highest point. You see that his entire body has rotated inward with his high by his back shoulder. Normally, this would create problems later in the delivery with the hands not getting through fast enough and throwing around his body. However, what he does next erases both these possible problems. Watch as his hands break down extremely quickly and his leg lift rotates back to straight before he begins his stride forward. All of a sudden he's back in a better throwing position.
From here he pauses ever so slightly with the ball hidden behind his hip. Again, the ball staying down could create problems for Sabathia. But if you watch closely as the video goes from 5 seconds to 7 seconds, his hands and elbows explode upward (especially with the front elbow leading his trek down the mound). As the hands explode upward, his front hip stay locked on straight and loaded (this is where he avoids opening up and rotating too early). As soon as the front foot hits the ground, hips fire through and his hand acts as that trust whip and absolutely explodes to release. (Hence 95 mphs) Go ahead and pause the video at 22 seconds to see another example of the hips loaded and elbows up . Note the tilt in the hips and shoulders. Again, these techniques may not be textbook mechanics, but they certainly work for Sabathia, because he knows his body well enough to still get through to the release point and stay on top of the baseball.
If you rewatch the video around 22 seconds and pause it as the ball is being released, you will see exactly what I mean about being to get to a release point. Notice that at release, his mechanics are 100% perfect. There is a slight bend at the knee, his chin is perfectly level over top of his chest and the glove is swiveled (not yanked) underneath the chest. Another quality of the "Intelligent Pitcher" is he knows there are many ways to have 'good mechanics' but there are certain things every pitcher must do to get to that release point that allows him to throw strikes consistently and (more importantly) effectively.
So there we have it. Another potential Cy Young award winner with unique but repeatable mechanics with various major points that are inline with the other pitchers we've seen. Elbows up, hips on line, chest square and chin to target at release.
Watch the last pitch in the video and see if you can pick out any other characteristics that CC uses to help him deliver his pitches. Add comments and I'll respond accordingly!!!.
Stay tuned for more posts this week.
Interesting video choice. CC is just an animal. He could get away with almost anything and still be successful. I think the hitch/pause you talk about is one reason he has had problems early in the season. It takes a couple of starts before he gets his timing down.
ReplyDeleteBest of luck Forest!
Thats a good point. His hitch is very deceptive and it makes it even tougher on hitters to get his timing...but I would say it probably does contribute to his notoriously slow starts to the season.